Which treatment did the Medical Director Choose?

We asked each of our expert clinicians a very important question:

for the summer months what is the one treatment that you would choose for yourself or would like your nearest and dearest to experience.

The responses were instant. Here’s what Dr Saira Vasdev, Skin & Sanctuary’s Medical Director, selected -

“Polynucleotides (Ameela)”

And why?

“The next generation of regenerative skin treatments, Polynucleotides are getting a lot of attention right now and for very good reasons.  Polynucleotides are highly specialised injectable molecules that increase skin hydration, elasticity and have antioxidant properties to protect cells against environmental damage and facilitate cellular healing and regeneration.  They also stimulate a biorestructuring process which boosts collagen production to combat tissue atrophy which is a major factor in facial ageing.  Polynucleotides provide a very gentle and natural approach to treating skin and facial ageing.  They have an excellent safety profile too. 

At S&S we provide individulised treatments where we can focus treatment on targeted areas such as undereye hollows (an excellent alternative to tear trough filler), or as part of a global facial treatment where a multilayer approach is taken to rejuvenate the skin's surface as well as deeper more structural areas.”

If you would like to understand more about how Polynucleotides could benefit the health of your skin book a consultation with one of our medical team. Or email any questions by clicking below.